
Free call answering for flood-impacted real estate agencies

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We empathise deeply with those impacted by the NSW Northern Rivers flood disaster and we’re giving back by supporting some of the local businesses affected by the devastation.

OfficeHQ has answered a call from the state’s peak real estate industry body to assist members in the region whose premises have been swamped by floodwater. An offer has been made to impacted Real Estate Institute of NSW (REINSW) member agencies and agents, through the REINSW Flood Support program, for OfficeHQ to answer their calls absolutely free for a whole month.

Helping agents and property managers stay connected

We understand it’s a massively challenging time for many agencies in the Northern Rivers who are having to temporarily change the way they operate while they face the task of rebuilding.

Regardless of offices being inundated, it remains business-critical for every phone call to be answered. With teams forced to work remotely, this can be problematic. And with so much else to focus on during the recovery, answering the phone for anything other than vitally important calls can sometimes be an unwanted distraction.

That’s where we come in! Mostly based on the Sunshine Coast in southeast Queensland, which of course is also prone to flooding and has again been impacted recently, our virtual receptionists are vastly experienced in answering calls for real estate agencies. This includes handling FAQs, screening calls and then transferring them as necessary or taking messages (sent by email and/or SMS immediately after the call).

Having OfficeHQ answer calls for flood-impacted REINSW members means they can keep their phone lines open, teams connected and ensure sellers, buyers, landlords and tenants can still reach them – all while taking some pressure off as they focus efforts on picking up the pieces.

In discussion with OfficeHQ global business development manager Dave McGree at the recent Women in Real Estate conference (WIRE) in Sydney, REINSW president Peter Matthews described what we consider a simple gesture to give back to Australian businesses during tough times as “an incredible contribution”.

“It makes such a difference … the pressure that (agencies have) to get back to people and the fact that you guys can take a lot of that heat away from them is going to be terrific,” Mr Matthews said.

How do you take up the offer if you’ve been affected?

Affected members have been advised by REINSW of the availability of this offer, including a unique promo code to quote when talking to our team or signing up online via our virtual reception free trial form.

Agency members or individual members wishing to take advantage of the offer have until 30 June, 2022, to do so.

While OfficeHQ’s success is built on helping other businesses thrive, during extraordinary circumstances we’re always seeking opportunities to simply help in any way we can. We take immense pride in being a company with a heart.

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Fred McKie is a former News Limited journalist who owned and operated a commercial photography business in southeast Queensland for several years before becoming a digital marketing professional. He joined our Sunshine Coast head office team in 2021 as OfficeHQ's Website & Digital Marketing Co-ordinator and is thrilled to be a part of a company that helps businesses thrive.

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